Dennis West

Dennis West Porn Star Picture
Dennis West is one hot daddy! OK, so Dennis is only 30, and that's a little young to be considered a "daddy." But he's just so nice and sweet and calm, and he has a very "wise" way about him. I liked him the minute I met him. He just has one of those personalities. Dennis currently lives in the midwest and has been there for about ten years. But he was born and raised in the south. He's lost his accent, but his roots are very apparent. I took him out to dinner the evening he arrived. We went to a seafood restaurant and he ordered Texas red fish with fried green tomatoes, creamed corn, and rock shrimp! His career path has led him down some interesting roads: "When I got out of high school I went into the Air Force," he said. "I did exercise physiology." After that he did a stint as an accountant at his father's (high-end) motorcycle dealership, and then he found his true love: being a motorcycle mechanic. He seemed very open-minded to me, and had an interesting comment when I asked him about: "I am Ronald Reagan conservative from the neck up," he said, laughing. "From the neck down, well, that's another story." He says he's straight, but likes to try new things. Awesome! He told us he's watched gay porn and actually enjoyed it, especially when it was in the company of his girlfriend. "It gave her ideas," he said. One of those ideas: an 8-inch strap-on which she used to fuck him. "It hurt at first," he said. "But then it felt really good!"
  • Height: 5.10
  • Weight: 175
  • Hair: Brown
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Ethnicity: White

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