This week we have a Parker Brothers extravaganza! Well, these two aren't really brothers; but just go with it. We're glad to see Parker Brookes back with that sexy face, sweet smile and that ass that just doesn't quit. For those of you that don't already know Parker Brookes, he is 24 and from Mobile, AL. Mr. Brookes is more than happy to help us give a warm welcome back to another Parker, Parker Perry. Originally from Austin, Texas, Parker Perry is here to show us just how BIG they really do grow them in Texas. (…wait for it! ) Parker is a well defined hottie with a twinkle in his eye and what looks like a well built bod underneath those clothes. At 23, Mr. Perry has a prominent future ahead of him. We asked these two if they could have any profession made a reality right now; what would that career choice be. Parker B. wants a degree in acting to complement his current degree in music. Parker P. wants to fly fighter jets. Well, Boys will be boys. We think Parker would look damn hot in a flight suit strapped inside a cockpit. Then again, he'd look even better out of one... and inside Parker Brookes instead. Shall we?